"Jack of all trades, master of none. With general intellect - not like a specialist's son.
Little did we know, that this Jack of all trades - played with all of his cards, from diamonds to spades."
B-o-a-T will be undergoing a major, month-long transformation!
From now until Saturday August 24th, I will be re-routing and planning a new direction for B-o-a-T!
This will lead B-o-a-T into its blogosphere evolution: "Bachelor(ette)" of Arts - BA(ette)!
Thank you to all of B-o-a-T's past and present readers, and to-be readers of "Bachelor(ette)" of Arts'!
To my dear readers at B-o-a-T,
I am grateful for your continuous support and readership - whether it is once, twice, thrice, etc.
I hope that you would be able to continue supporting the future of B-o-a-T, and we will continue this journey together as BA(ette)! :)
If you would like to stay updated with the little bits and bobs up until (re)launch day, you can always tweet with me @Jingely , Google Friend Connect with me (Widget's at the R-hand side!); or even email me! (jessiejingdance@gmail.com)
I will be revamping my social media platforms as well as the blog itself so that you will be able to communicate with me more conveniently with me! (Don't worry, I don't bite!)
The blog will not be locked (for the final week overhaul) until Saturday 17th August so please feel free to come back and browse around, read/re-read and share any posts you'd like!
So that's it for now. Stay tuned - and see you in August!
Yes, a question heard and asked so commonly yet a question that can be so difficult to answer.
This post is a short story to my self-discovery and path to answering this question. For me, it is in regards with dance and my life.
Before I continue, I'd like to share this question with and for you to calibrate your thoughts. If by the end of this post you would like to express your answer to this question, please feel free to comment to this post and share your personal insight and experience!
That was the date everything began - the day when my life and dance truly joined together in unison.
It wasn't as simple as saying 'Dance is my Life', although it essentially was at the time - it can still be described as so, but a more accurate way to describe this 'unison' is:
"Dance became the essence to my Life."
I aimed for this post to not go too deep into details and that it shall be so. The purpose of this post is to simply share with you some of the teachings I have received as a result of this fateful meeting with dance - in the form of quotes.
See, I have a dance book, well, I have few dance books - kind of like a diary if you may subject it to objective comparison. This is where I write down (most) things that I have learnt and impacted me in some way - whether within the moment of dance, as a result of a dance class/training/rehearsal, reading a dance-related book, technicalities and medical areas of dance or dance therapy, moments spent with my dance family - or even a dance-inspired fashion sketch.
One of them is in England at the moment. I had to leave it there due to flight limitations on baggage weight. At that moment, I still remember clearly, I had to make a choice: to either take it out and ship it back to Malaysia; or leave it in England with someone - and I chose to leave it with a certain person that I trust very dearly. I simply could not trust shipping operations.
I have two here with me at the moment - one has been filled, the other is in the process of being filled up.
I hope this would bring insight and somehow inspire you on different levels and walks of life.
Best Wishes, Jing x"
"In the dark, poses can't be seen. Feel the morph of the movement within the space; the energy." - Teach.
"There is always support in any positioning." - Teach.
"Each time we dance, it will be different: no one time has 100% similarity in surroundings, atmosphere or energy - make each time count." - Teach.
"A cat is never indifferent to the space it is moving through. Even when it comes to jumping up on to a sofa arm that it has leapt on to a thousand times before, it still moves with care and awareness, gauging the space with a calculating eye." - Robert Cohan.
"You can liken your sense of centre to your sense of place or home. If you didn't have a strong sense of home, you would probably get lost every time you went out. You know your home. You remember it. You know your directions from it, like lines radiating out from a central point. No matter how far you may travel, your recognition and remembrance of home give you a basis for relating tot he rest of the world. Yet even though we are territorial animals, we still don't know the territory within our bodies." - Robert Cohan.
"Remember, balancing is an active state, a process that is constantly happening. If you forget to do it, you fall down." - Robert Cohan.
"Some people can learn in a minute. Some people can't grasp it at all. But if you want to change, change!" - Teach.
"There is a distinct difference between a dance being chaotic and a dance making a clear statement about chaos." - Blom & Chaplin.
"People move as they do for reasons." - Agnes de Mille.
"How do you make a dance? My answer is simple. 'Put yourself in motion'." - Twyla Tharp
"If I'm passionate about something and cannot give it up, I should work harder at it and show others I exist." - Touch of the Light
"Oscar Wilde said that if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it - that is your punishment, but if you never know, then you can be anything. There is a truth to that. We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing - an actor, a writer - I am a person who does things - I write, I act - and I never know what I am going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun." - Stephen Fry